How to Write Extensible Code
Are you starting to feel like we’re doing a lot of things over and over the same way we’re creating reducers and actions and selectors and connecting components and rendering components and if things seem repetitive to you, that’s actually a good thing because what we’re doing is we’re making things very simple.
Query Reference and Query Snapshot
Brief Note
- A query is a request we make to firestore to give us something from the database.
- Firestore returns us two types of objects: references and snapshots. Of these objects, they can be either Document or Collection versions.
- Firestore will always return us these objects, even if nothing exists at from that query.
How to Pull Code from Other's Repository and Change 'Origin'?
1). Repository tutor_react
2). Repository student_react
React Basics
Loader and Plugins
Source: Loader and plugin!
Another Article: Webpack Loaders and Plugins!
MVC and Event Bus
What is MVC, give code example.
M: Model is used to store data and manipulate all the data.
V: View is responsible for all UI interface.
C: Controller is responsible for modifying data you want
Tagged Template
Example 1 ```javascript let person = ‘Mike’ let age = 28
Usage of Parcel
- rm -rf dist // this is clear the dist if you want to build a brand new parcel of your code
- parcel build src/index.html –no-minify –public-url ./