Wrap Up of CSS

★ You can Try To Find More Practice Materials Online~~~ For Example: Flexbox Froggy


  1. The fixed width: the width always is 960/ 1000 / 1024 px
  2. Not Fixed Width: mainly depends on normal flow layout
    • The Normal Flow is automatically fitted, no more extra style
  3. Responsive Layout
    • Which means the width fix in the PC, but not fix in the mobile phone
    • In other words, mixed layout

CSS Layout Flow Chart


  • Add float:left and width in the children elements
  • Add .clearfix in the parent element

Important To Remember - Flex

  • display:flex;
  • flex-direction:row/column
  • flex-wrap: wrap
  • just-content:center / space-between
  • align-items:center
  • (These are basic use in work environment)

Regular sketch tools

Sketch Tools


  • Shortcut to create multiple classes
    .a+.b+.c+.d  -> press tab

One picture shows the div layout

DIV Layout


The z-index CSS property of a positioned element and its descendants or flex items. Overlapping elements with a larger z-index cover those with a smaller one.

For a positioned box(that is, one with any position other than static), the z-index property specifies:

  1. The stack level of the box in the current stacking context.
  2. z-index in the current stacking context level has no interaction with other stack level.
  3. z-index in the same stack level can be compared.
  4. Stacking Content Reference

Shortcut to call ‘Console’

  • In any tab, press ESC

The Process of the Browser Rendering


  1. According to the HTML to construct the HTML Tree(DOM)
  2. According to the CSS construct the CSS Tree
  3. Merge two trees into one Rendering Tree
  4. Layout (Normal Flow, Box Model, Calculate Size and Position)
  5. Painting (Draw out the border color, font color, shadow)
  6. Finally compose all the parts together

Rendering Performance (Cramming)

  1. Optimizing Javascript Execution
    • Avoid setTimeout or setInterval for visual updates; always use requestAnimationFrame instead.
    • Move long-running Javascript off the main thread to Web Workers.
    • Use micro-tasks to make DOM changes over several frames.
    • Use Chrome DevTools’ Timeline and Javascript Profiler to assess the impact of Javascript.
  2. Reduce the Scope and Complexity of Style Calculations
    • Reduce the complexity of your selectors; use a class-centric methodology like BEM.
    • Reduce the number of elements on which style calculation must be calculated.
  3. Avoid Large, Complex Layouts and Layout Thrashing
    • Similarly to style calculations, the immediate concerns for layout cost are:
      • The number of elements that require layout.
      • The complexity of those layouts.
    • Layout is normally scoped to the whole document.
    • The number of DOM elements will affect performance; you should avoid triggering layout wherever possible.
    • Assess layout model performance; new Flexbox is typically faster than older Flexbox or float-based layout models.
    • Avoid forced synchronous layouts and layout thrashing; read style values then make style changes.
  4. Simplify Paint Complexity and Reduce Paint Areas
    • Changing any property apart from transforms or opacity always triggers paint.
    • Paint is often the most expensive part of the pixel pipeline; avoid it where you can.
    • Reduce paint areas through layer promotion and orchestration of animations.
    • Use the Chrome DevTools paint profiler to assess paint complexity and cost; reduce where you can.
  5. Stick to Compositor-Only Properties and Manage Layer Count
    • Stick to transform and opacity changes for your animations.
    • Promote moving elements with will-change or translateZ.
    • Avoid overusing promotion rules; layers require memory and management.
  6. Debounce Your Input Handlers
    • Avoid long-running input handlers; they can block scrolling.
    • Do not make style changes in input handlers.
    • Debounce your handlers; store event values and deal with style changes in the next requestAnimationFrame callback.

How to Debug the [Hover] Effect

  • Open DevTools
  • In the Style Tab, find out [:hov] in the top right conner and click it
  • Check [:hover]
  • Find out #demo:hover{transform: translateX(50px)}
  • Press UP or DOWN key to see the demo box moving 1px each time consecutively
  • Press Shift + UP or DOWN , the demo box will move 10px each time consecutively

How to Use Transform to Center the Box (Cramming)

  border: 5px solid black;
  position: relative;
  height: 600px;

border:1px solid green;
position: absolute;
transform: translateX(-50% -50%);


  • Not all the properties can use transition
  • Display:none => block can not be transited
  • Should use visibility:hidden => visible instead
  • Background and Opacity can use transition

Animation - KeyFrame Syntax

   time ||
   timing-function = linear ||
   single-animation-iteration-count = infinite||
   single-animation-direction = normal, reverse...||
   single-animation-fill-mode = none, forwards, backwards ||
   single-animation-play-state = running, paused ||