Deploy Project With buildpacks to Heroku and Github

Deploy to Heroku

  1. Go to the Heroku website, if you don’t have a account, register one first.

  2. Open Command Line, enter heroku login, hit any button, when you see heroku: Press any key to open up the browser to login or q to exit:, it will jump to the webpage where it ask us to Log in Heroku.

  3. You may have to manually enter your username and password for Heroku in your command line if browser in your command line browser window does not open.

  4. Create a Heroku Project Command:
    • heroku create spending-log --buildpack mars/create-react-app.
    • This create-react-app-buildpack is also great because it will also use the production build of our react-app for the deployment.
  5. Here is the buildpacks command:
     buildpacks:add       add new app buildpack, inserting into list of buildpacks if necessary
     buildpacks:clear     clear all buildpacks set on the app
     buildpacks:info      fetch info about a buildpack
     buildpacks:remove    remove a buildpack set on the app
     buildpacks:search    search for buildpacks
     buildpacks:versions  list versions of a buildpack
  6. git add .
  7. git commit -m "fix all the problem"
  8. git push heroku master

Deploy to Github

  1. Run yarn build to build the project, you will get a build folder, this is for displaying the content in a independent website.
  2. Check current project the .gitignore file, to make sure we exclude the build folder
  3. Run yarn global add serve
  4. Run serve -s build You will learn more about deployment from this webpage: Deployment
  5. Create a new repository in github to store the production of this project.
  6. Go to build folder
  7. Run git init
  8. Run git add .
  9. Run git commit -m "deploy spending log project to github"
  10. Run git remote add origin
  11. Run git push --set-upstream origin master
  12. Go to package.json, add "homepage" : "." package.json at the top.

The custom deploy script:

  1. create a file under the folder scripts
  2. Add the bash shebang #!/usr/bin/env bash
#!/usr/bin/env bash
yarn build &&
cd build &&
git init &&
git add . &&
git commit -m 'deploy' &&
git remote add origin &&
git push -u origin master -f &&
cd -
  1. These are the executable script example in the file.
  2. Final step: add "deploy: "sh scripts/ to the package.json file.
  3. Run yarn deploy, it will automatically deploy the script as you provided.