- index 是 arr 的 (value - min) !!!!!!!
- index 是 arr 的 (value - min)!!!!!!!
index 是 arr 的 (value - min) !!!!!!
- the last position that 4(the index of count) can occur is going to be the value at 4, the value is 5
the last position that 2(the index of count) can occur is going to be the value at 2, the value is 3
我主要不懂 running sum,把 running sum 当成新输出数组的长度 running sum = result.length
let arr = [8, 2, 3, 8, 6, 9]
const countingSort = (arr) => {
let max = Math.max(...arr)
let min = Math.min(...arr)
let countLength = max - min + 1
let counting = new Array(countLength).fill(0)
//遍历原数组,开始计算每个元素出现的次数, counting the occurrence of each value in the array
for (let j = 0; j < arr.length; j++)
counting[arr[j] - min]++;
//running sum
for (let v = 1; v < countLength; v++)
counting[v] += counting[v - 1]
let result = []
let runningSum = 0
for (let k = arr.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
runningSum = counting[arr[k] - min]
result[runningSum - 1] = arr[k]
counting[arr[k] - min]--
return result